BACK COVER BLURB: Wales 1904. In the spectacular mountainous region of Snowdonia, during a time of great political and social unrest, a supernatural event is about to take place that will rock the quarrymen's community, the nation and the world.
As the son of Welsh Revivalists, Owen Evans has been raised to expect miracles. Steeped in the Biblical language and the songs of the chapels, he has been decoding dreams since he was a young child, but when he begins to have visions and encounters with angels as a young teenager, and he starts to see into The Kingdom of Darkness as well as The Kingdom of Light, he battles his desire for a normal life with the attraction of his prophetic calling.
Following instructions from a seer prophet, Anna, Owen learns that he must discover the spiritual skills to overcome the trickery of darkness in order to embrace his gift. What follows is an adventure with the wild things of God and a mystical experience of faith that will eventually take him across the world as he begins a journey towards the truth that ultimately lies within.
FIRST SENTENCE {North Wales 1904 - March: Chapter 1]: It was the third day since Stephen's death: a day for rising again.
MEMORABLE MOMENT {Page 75}: Twins, Morys and Lloyd Jones both knelt on one knee with their other feet flat on the ground, splitting slate in unison; their moustaches, like the wings of ascending birds, flying on either side of their faces; their facial muscles twitched with each blow of their mallets and their bowlers perched stiff as blackbirds on their heads.
SOURCE: Received for review from the marketing department, Hillman Publishing.
MY THOUGHTS: So far the surprise read of 2015. Despite my initial trepidation this turned out to be a very good read indeed.
Very well written and as a non-believer despite the use of quotes from the bible not nearly as 'preachy' as I had feared. The author actually does an exemplary job in painting a picture of a family (and indeed a community) bolstered by their faith, a faith that though deep is not beyond being questioned as we see through the eyes of the narrator, fourteen year old preacher's son, Owen.
Such wonderfully and sympathetically drawn characters. A landscape beautifully portrayed. A period in time and place perfectly captured. It is perhaps these just as much as the historical, social and political aspect of the story that appealed to me in a way I truly wasn't expecting.
The first book in a trilogy, I eagerly await the next instalments.

It sounds really well done there, mainly regarding the writing! thanks for the discovery!
I wasn't sure from the blurb if this was something I'd want to read, but your positive review has me reconsidering. You have me intrigued.
I may go ahead and put it on my wish list, but will probably wait until the trilogy is completed (and your final verdict given) before venturing beyond that.
This doesn't sound like the best fit for me, but that's great you enjoyed it. It's great when a book can surprise you in a GOOD way.
I love that this book took you by surprise. That is awesome! I am glad you are waiting for the rest of the series. I hope they are as good as this one. :)
Great commentary on this one Tracy,
This sounds very good.
I find such explorations of religious thought to be fascinating.
I am also a non believer. However I love stories like this if they are presented intelligently and seem to have something to say about humanity that is not simplistic.
Glad to hear that you enjoyed this one and that it wasn't too preachy! I haven't had much luck with books like this, but happy that it surprised you and was a good read!
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