At the moment I am in Jail in the shadow of a hangman's noose.
It is all because I tried to solve the biggest mystery here in Nevada Territory & protect a girl who witnessed a terrible crime.
If I write an account of what happened, then maybe I can convince the jury not to hang me by the neck until I am dead.
....... Inner front cover.
FIRST SENTENCE (Ledger Street 1): My name is P.K. Pinkerton & I am a Private Eye operating out of Virginia City, Nevada Territory.
MEMORABLE MOMENT (Page 184): And just now I had stopped two desperados from shooting me by flinging a nearly full spittoon at them.
MY THOUGHTS: Billed as a book for children, of what age range I can only hazard a guess (one site puts it as low as ages 5 to 9) though I'm pretty sure it must be for older children children aged 11+.
I don't know perhaps I'm out of touch as to just what is suitable reading material for this age range or perhaps I'm just shying away from them reading unpleasant details BUT there were several elements to this particular novel that concerned me ..... various gruesome descriptions, men of fairly doubtful morals, the mention of prostitutes and what seemed like the continuous mention/pen and ink images of guns to name but a few.
Reading it as an adult though ...... I loved the maps and the little sketches that headed each chapter and whilst I thought the plot was lacking a certain something, I thought the characters were fairly well written, the fact that the main character, P.K., was a 'half Indian' commendable, the fact that he had so many obsessions and foibles interesting.
What really annoyed me however was the author's constant use '&' instead of the word 'and'. Trendy? Making a statement? I don't know BUT I think that in the battle for good grammar, punctuation and spelling the author did no favours to children in overusing what I consider a sloppy alternative.
The second book in a series from an acclaimed author, though I haven't read the first instalment myself I know many consider this, if anything, a better read.
KEEP IT OR NOT?: Sadly not one for the shelves.
Although it sounds rather entertaining I think the overuse (incorrect) of & would be a distraction at the very least. Maybe it wouldn't bother younger readers.
Pinkerton is a name that sounds familiar to me, was it there in one of Sherlock Holmes stories? And the plot certainly does not suggest that this one is for kids!!
Have a wonderful day Tracy, loved your review as always :)
I am here to say Hello..Started relaxing as I slowed down a little bit..Feel good reading and visiting. I have been missing all this for sometime.
I have not heard of this one- and it does sound interesting. I think you must be right that it is for kids a bit older- based on your review. I can see how the & would get annoying. I don't recall ever seeing that in a book before (unless it was part of a sign or something like that). Helpful review!
not for me...
It was Arti and several others...
& would bother me as well! Thanks for another honest and well-written review.
Well now THAT'S an opening! Hooked by the title too...grately not by a noose. *-* I hear you on the questionable age range on books nowadays....I have the same dilemma. Might seek out book one to get a better feel for it....thanks for the review!
another great review, thankyou, my 12 year old grandaughter may be interested in this one, btw thanks for comment on my blog and i've typed omg twice in last five minutes
I have only just found your blog -- and it is really lovely so Thank You
Kindest Regards Linda
I am shocked that they got away with the ampersand instead of and. Sorry it didn't rock, but I think MG tends to be hit and miss with me as well.
The & would annoy me too. And prostitutes? Definitely not a read for the kids then.
I wonder why the author would use ampersands like that. They're kind of hard to read, especially when there are a lot of them.
Thanks for the review, I think it would irk me too to be honest (the constant use of &) although if the story dragged me in I might not notice so much.
I am consistently astounded as to what is considered appropriate for children these days!
Hmm... doesn't sound like it fits the age. Glad that you enjoyed the little details though.
Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog
I don't think I could read it because of the &. That is NOT RIGHT!
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