Some see this gleaming portal as an accidental door. A bridge across the galaxy that opens upon the hand of fate. Others call it destiny - some a channel of hope. For how else could the needed one find his way through?
On both sides of the galaxy there are heroes. Some are born, and some are made, some, however, just know how to get the job done in spite of themselves.
The Five Moons Of Tiiana ..... your journey awaits.
..... Outer back cover.
FIRST SENTENCE (Chapter 1): It was overcast, the sky dark with a cold drizzle, melancholic clouds hanging low over the city.
MEMORABLE MOMENT (Page 200): They appeared to be about four feet in height, and to my utter amazement seemed to have heads are torsos that were humanoid. The rest of their appearance seemed insect-like, for their bodies were squat and muscular and they held fat, bulbous posteriors similar to that of an ant or wasp.
MY THOUGHTS: My surprise read of 2012.
Not a genre I would normally read but I confess I was more than a little intrigued by the thought of a book that according to the front cover was ....
A swashbuckling, science fiction epic filled with adventure, mystery, romance and fantasy.
A wonderful adventure saga set across five different moons, the author weaves together a compelling and often complex story peopled by several different civilisations not to mention species but it was his ability to maintain my interest in main character, Rez Cantor, a captain in the Imperial Army and personal attache to Princess Leanna (female lead and romantic interest), that was so remarkable.
Yes, even though there are several other creatively written characters all with their own distinct personalities, the story often centres almost entirely on Rez which is no mean feat as he undergoes several slightly adapted incarnations according to which world he finds himself on, which peoples he finds himself living amongst.
All wonderfully descriptive, this was a novel of epic proportions that held my imagination from page one despite the fact that at times it seemed to have elements of both Star Wars and Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels, the Brata of Boutal putting me in mind of the flying monkeys in The Wizard Of Oz.
Fast paced, I found myself totally involved with Rez's adventures and wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that some producer or other had snapped up the right to adapt the book into a movie.
DISCLAIMER: Read and reviewed on behalf of the author I was merely asked for my honest opinion, no financial compensation was asked for nor given.
Sold! I am definitely intrigued by how much you enjoyed this one. It sounds fascinating and your review made me wish I had it to read today. Yeah! Thanks for sharing.
great review as usual!
Wonderful, enthusiastic review! The book sounds fantastic.
Oh wow.. that would surprise me. I might have to check this one out. I wouldn't have thought epic adventure, but more non-fiction astrophysics when I saw that cover.
Rez and his adventures sounds interestings glad to hear you enjoyed.
I love SF, so this is definitely going onto my TBR list!
Hmm not my kind of genre either so still on the fence, will keep an eye out for it. Great review
Lainy http://www.alwaysreading.net
A nice review. Will try to read it.
I am sorry..I could not even peep here as it was tight work schedule for me, I am also moving to a new place, another city so I am going to take a long break ...shall be back once I settle down, hope that my work will be scheduled and organised better in the new place and I will get more time to blog and visit my friends.
wow Tracy, isn't that great? To find an unexpected wonderful read.
Nice reading the review...sounds interesting!
Nice review! It doesn't really sounds like my type of book, but that's awesome it blends a variety of elements that are familiar to you. That's always a bit fun.
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